Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2012 – The ‘End’ of the ‘World’

[Spoilers sprinkled throughout] Humans these days. Just caring about themselves.... 2012 is next up in line. This movie was said to be awesome and cool and stuff. Not so much. Like any disaster movie [Besides Disaster Movie], there is no comedy. Well, except for the Russian guy screaming every 4 seconds and his guttural noises. Good thing he dies by falling off a high perch. Back to the movie. It starts out with dramatic professors being dramatic and then figuring out the world will end. Nope, I dun beleev tat. Well, 2010 rolls around, and cracks are forming in the ground! 2011, more bad things. Yada yada 2012 California explodes, Arnold Schwarzenegger impressions are bad, family escapes. Ships are in India, oh no 2 tsunamis, Russian dude dies. Gordan dies. Dad nearly dies, but lives. Happy ever after. Africa is safe.

This movie is too long. I just explained everything in 2 minutes, and the movie was over 2 hours. This could have been as short as an episode of Spongebob. Spongebob would have made this more entertaining. Anything could do that. The only cool thing was the Russian guy getting flipped off by his girlfriend before his death and the explosions. And Vatican City getting tsunamified. This movie doesn't have to be watched. So don't watch it.

2 stars, 4/10, 65%, a failing grade.

This was a great Alex V review on a horrible movie.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Craziness of Penn State

Ah, yesterday was fun.  We went to State College to visit my brother.  We encountered many things.  We walked around for awhile, and I took an awesome picture of Old Main:

It is now my background. I also taught a class, and gave them the wrong information... It was actually my family...

We went to the Cold Stone Creamery, where my brothers and dad ditched us to test out his car. They got lost, and we sat at the Cold Stone Creamery for 1 hour. But it was kay, as there were some whacky sites...

A drunk kid walked by and said as we ate "How does it taste mutha****as?" There was another girl that was depending on her friend to stand up, and she was carrying a funnel with a tube coming out of it. And then there was the best one.

A girl with a broken flip flop ran by. It was flying all around her foot. She stopped to fix it, and fell over. She sat on the curb for 20 minutes trying to fix it, then got on the bus.

That's college for ya! Alex, signing out.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Ah, Easter, the time of bunnies, eggs, carrots, but most importantly, CANDEH.  I got tons of candy, which I thoroughly enjoyed.  I got a solid chocolate bunny, tinier bunnies, chocolate covered pretzels, Reese's eggs, Skittles, and Starbursts.  Too bad my stomach hurts right now, or the whole basket of goodies would be gone.

Today I produced 3 videos for YouTube.  Here are the links to all three:

I hope you enjoy those.  That is it for me.  Alex, signing out!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

New Blog and Thangs

Hello people.  You are most likely here because I redirected you through YouTube or Twitter or the Marriland Forums.  Well, I am making a blog now.  I don't know how it will turn out.  You might already know I have a video blog.  Well, see you all some other time.  :D